Our Health & Sanitation Practices

In accordance with CDC and local government guidelines, we will reopen at half-capacity and implement new standards of cleaning and sanitation between each appointment.

We pledge to you as employees of The Dress Theory to commit to the highest standards of cleanliness and sanitation practices so we can continue to serve our brides and community.

Daily operations require the following from each employee:

  • Daily pre-shift symptom check, including a temperature reading

  • Masks are worn 100% of the time

  • Obsessive hand washing, including before and after each appointment

  • Frequently disinfecting commonly touched surfaces 

  • Steaming and other means of sanitation of each gown after it is tried on by a bride.

Appointment Requirements & Rules

To ensure we can meet all of these standards and follow the CDC, WHO and the local officials offices we have, after very careful consideration decided to operate and reopen only under the follow conditions:

  • Group sizes must remain under three (3). One (1) bride plus up to two (2) guests. This ensures everyone including guests and staff can maintain distancing within the store. It also guarantees will remain under the Mayor’s group size limit no matter what. The smaller the better, was our motto for group size even before this “new normal” was thrown our way. We promise. Brides may come alone too, it works wonderfully that way as well!

  • Masks are mandatory for brides, guests, and our staff at all times inside our store. We will be leaving windows and doors open whenever possible too to increase clean, fresh air flow for all.

  • Contactless browsing and enjoyment. The Dress Theory scheduled staff member(s) will be the only ones touching the wedding dresses on the racks. We’ll show you the gowns we think will be perfect for you and what you shared with us combined with our expertise. If there is any gown you or anyone in your party wish to see that’s on the racks, please let one of our staff members or stylists know and they will get the dress for you. This will help limit touch points and ensure we stay within the limit of dresses that can be tried on during an appointment (to ensure we have time to properly sanitize dresses and store between appointments).

  • Pre-appointment request form and possible virtual consult. If we ask that you connect with us virtually via zoom, FaceTime, or a good old-fashioned phone call, we promise it will be FUN and helpful! It can be brief or 30 minutes to an hour. Whatever you need from us!

  • We ask that if anyone has symptoms, is not feeling well, running a fever above 100.4, recently traveled, or exposed to anyone showing symptoms or confirmed COVID-19 within two weeks will not attend the appointment. We will continue to waive any cancellation policies and fees to ensure no one is pressured to attend the appointment.

  • Guests should follow the CDC recommendations. This currently includes wearing a mask, but we know the guidelines change daily. Please reference this website and the Mayor’s Communication for updated information before your appointment.

  • We are located in the city of Seattle, so while in our store we will be following Seattle’s specific guidelines.

  • Contact free payment only.

At this time we aren’t seeing any major delays or cancellations from our designers, but if you have less than 4 months before your wedding day please let us know before your appointment so we can gather appropriate, beautiful, trustworthy options for you.

We know this is not what any of us imagined for 2020 or wedding planning, but please know you’re not alone. We feel for you so deeply and will do whatever we can to help you, support you, celebrate you, and this make this an unforgettable and special experience for you.